Monday, June 1, 2009


I think Jelly Fish are incredibly cool and beautiful creatures. They are always my favorite thing whenever I go to aquariums. No different this time. I seriously could have watched these things for hours (fortunately I was pulled away so I could enjoy other San Francisco wonders like clam chowder in a sour dough bread bowl and my new favorite place - Chocolate Heaven - on Pier 39).


Nickell said...

Shantel! I can't believe you live in Pleasanton!! That's where the wedding was. We were staying IN Pleasanton! Dang, we totally could have seen you and that would have been so much fun! I miss your whole family!!!

The Bedke Fam said...

ry and i ate jellyfish in nyc this week. it tastes alot like seaweed. yummy!!!

Rebecca said...

I wish I was in San Francisco. Jealous.

karen garner said...

I'll have to send you the jellyfish story - CAN'T WAIT FOR SAN FRAN